Winter Chinook Salmon Report for Vancouver and Sidney - Early December
After a very busy late summer season, we have enjoyed the last 6 weeks with a melllower pace of winter chinook salmon fishing. If you haven't tried winter salmon fishing, you should! The stunning scenery of Howe Sound, the Gulf Island's and Vancouver Island combined with a consistent chinook salmon fishery is what really makes us look forward to this time of year. We have been getting out a few times a week and it has been another encouraging start to the winter salmon season. Most days we have seen good activity and keepers in the mix.
We are currently, Covid cautiously operating out of our Granville Island (Vancouver) and our Sidney (Vancouver Island) locations. In Vancouver, we have been spending most of our time in Howe Sound and Vancouver Harbour. Up the sound, all the usual Bowen Island and Gambier spots have been producing fish in recent weeks. The Mile Markers in Vancouver harbour has been producing some fish . In Sidney, we have been having good success around Moresby and Sidney Island.

In terms of gear, our winter favourites have been working as they always do. In Howe Sound and Vancouver Harbour we have had our best luck on little 3.0 Bon Chovy and Trailhead G Force Spoons, Bon Chovy and Outfitter Skinny Gs, and Green and Chartreuse Yamashita Spackleback hootchies. In Sidney and the Southern Gulf Island's we have been running Coho Killers and Skinny G's. Irish cream and Bon Chovy patterns have worked well for us.

Prawning has been good and crabbing has just started to pick up. The beauty about the winter is the ability to drop traps for crabs {half day and full day trips) and prawns (full day trips ). It is a great time of year for a seafood Safari.

Check out the video below it shows what we are up to in the winter and why we love fishing in the winter!

Stay safe, tight lines and hope to see you on the water soon!