Vancouver and Howe Sound Winter Fishing Update!
It has been an interesting last couple of months between the weather and the latest round of COVID 19! The winter fishery in the Vancouver area has been a very good one so far this winter. We have had a few slow days, but we have also had some amazing days. Good to see this winter fishery impress and improve in recent years!
Our covered and heated boats are perfect for winter fishing expeditions. You can warm up in the cabin when needed in between bites! Howe Sound and the Gulf Islands are very good bets in February as the fish are in the channels and back bays feeding on abundant herring close to bottom. The backside of Bowen, Gambier and even Hole in the Wall can be good producers in the coming months. We like to use Gibbs Skinny Gs, Yamashita Green and Spackleback Hootchies as well as little 3.0 Silver Horde Spoons!

Give us a call to book a winter trip! Prawning has been decent on our longer trips and crabbing is picking up!