Sidney Salmon Fishing Report - Mid August
Our Vancouver Island salmon fishing charters operating out of our Sidney locations have a had a good couple weeks of fishing! Based out of the Port Sidney Marina we have been busy on charters departing our Sidney dock and we have also been busy picking up our fishing charter guests from Pender, Galiano, Mayne, Saltspring and Saturna Islands. We offer fishing charter pick ups from all the Southern Gulf Islands.
We have focussed our efforts on chinook salmon. We have been spending our time at a handful of different spots. Coal Island, Hamley Point, Moresby Island, Collinson Point and Active Pass have also seen some good activity for some nice slot sized chinook in the 8 to 17 pound range. In addition to the chinook salmon, there has been some impressive waves of pink salmon, especially at Collinson Point (near Galiano Island) and off Moresby Island. While pink salmon are not the best eating of the salmon species, they sure can be fun to catch, especially for kids!
As we progress into August and September, we will continue to see waves of chinook and pinks. As we get into September we will see more coho salmon in the mix. Collinson Point and Moresby Island are often good bets for coho salmon in September and October.
Give us a call or an email if you want to get out fishing from our Sidney Location or would like to get picked up on one of the Southern Gulf Islands!